BOARD CREDIT COMMITTEE – Headed by Mr Bola Ladele and responsible for all non- micro loans and advances (above N100,000 in the first instance / N250,000 in the second instance). All Current credits are performing and for the past 12 months of operations we have not recorded any bad credit. Furthermore, we operate our credit Bureau checks and services with CRC Credit Bureau as well send reports.
DEBT RECOVERY COMMITTEE – Headed by Mr Femi Ajayi and responsible for recovery of most of the Bank’s legacy debt. His knowledge as the former Company secretary of the Bank has tremendously helped.
HR & GOVERNANCE COMM – Headed by Hope Anazia, all recruitments save for Junior staff are at arms length and through the committee that ensure that round pegs are put in round holes. The committee also ensures that statutory reports are sent as at when due to CBN, NDIC and CAC amongst others.